Compound Intervals
by JazzMaverick (Aug 05, 2011)
Compound intervals are intervals which are greater than the octave. Some people have also described it as an octave plus a simple interval.
[dot]NOTE: This isn't the complete list of compound intervals, but only those that are commonly used in Jazz chords.
Read my other lesson Chords and Intervals for the small glossary and standard chords.
[dot]NOTE: This isn't the complete list of compound intervals, but only those that are commonly used in Jazz chords.
b9 --> Compound minor 2nd (minor 9th) --> 1 Semitone + an octave= 13 Semitones above root.
9 --> Compound major 2nd (9th) --> 2 Semitones + octave = 14 semitones.
#9/b10 --> Compound augmented 2nd/minor 3rd (aug 9th/ minor 10th) --> 3 Semitones + octave = 15 Semitones.
10 --> Compound major 3rd (10th) --> 4 semitones + octave = 16 Semitones above.
11 --> Compound Perfect 4th (11th) --> 5 Semitones + octave = 17 Semitones above.
#11 --> Compound augmented 4th (aug 11th)-> 6 Semitones + octave = 18 Semitones above.
b13 --> Compound minor 6th (minor 13th) --> 8 Semitones + octave = 20 Semitones above.
13 --> Compound major 6th (13th) --> 9 Semitones + octave = 21 Semitones above.
Read my other lesson Chords and Intervals for the small glossary and standard chords.